1. Introduction
Your privacy is important to us, and we want you to know how we process your personal data. We have routines and internal controls to ensure that your personal data is processed securely and in accordance with the law, including the Personal Data Act and the EU's General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR").
2. About Ferdi Film
This privacy policy applies to Férdi Film AS with corporate no. 919 171 936, hereinafter referred to as "Férdi Film", "we" or "us". Férdi Film is responsible for processing your personal data as described in this privacy policy.
3. Cookies
Ferdi Film is responsible for the processing of the website The website is only used to communicate with our fans and viewers, no information is collected about visitors to our website. As a visitor to our website, you are not exposed to the processing of personal data.
4. To whom does the declaration apply?
Férdi Film processes personal data about different groups of individuals, such people are referred to as registered in the regulations. If you fall under one of these categories, this privacy policy applies to Férdi Films' processing of your personal data as described here. We process personal data about the following:
As part of our normal business, we have several employees in a permanent or temporary position ("Employee") with us. These will be registered in various IT systems and services as part of their position. Such systems and services are operated internally by Férdi Film.
In addition to our employees, we also have other contractors and freelancers (both referred to as "Freelancers") who are not employees, but who work and carry out assignments for us. As the client for the Freelancers, we also process personal data about them.
Férdi Film receives applications and inquiries from interested parties who wish to be employed or commissioned as a Freelancer with us ("Applicant"). For both Employees and Freelancers, there is thus a process before entering into a contract which means that Férdi Film processes personal data about the Applicant.
Our core business is producing productions that are broadcast on the Web, TV and Cinema, particularly within the advertising industry. Depending on the type of production, we use actors, participants, extras and other contributors (all referred to as "Contributors") in front of the camera or microphone who are not employed. In order to create and distribute productions, we have to process personal data about these Contributors.
Férdi Film undertakes a selection process to find the right Contributor to any production. Individuals who we assess are suitable to contribute in front of the camera or microphone to a production are considered "Potential Contributors". In order to carry out the assessment, we must process personal data about them.
In addition, we will also process personal data about other people with whom we have contact. This could, for example, be people who contact us on their own initiative or contact persons at our customers, suppliers and partners. The personal data that is processed in that case may vary somewhat, but may for example include name, contact details and possibly employer and job title.
If you contact us, we will have to process your personal data in order to address your inquiry and possibly respond to it. The voluntary and active action that you take by contacting us is considered an express consent for us to process the personal data provided to the extent necessary to decide on and respond to your inquiry.
If you fall into this category, this privacy policy applies as far as is appropriate. See in particular point 10 about your rights.
5. The treatment
Férdi Film's processing of your personal data is in line with the Personal Data Act and GDPR. As data controller, Férdi Film follows these principles:
The processing is legal, fair, transparent and proportionate in relation to the purposes of the processing;
The personal data is collected for specific, expressly stated and legitimate purposes, is adequate, relevant and limited to these purposes and is not further processed in a way that is incompatible with these purposes;
The personal information is correct and updated as necessary and is stored so that it is not possible to identify the registered persons for longer periods than is necessary for the purposes of the processing;
The processing is ensured with sufficient security for the personal data, and;
Férdi Film establishes measures to secure the personal data against unauthorized access/disclosure/change/deletion.
6. Personal data
6.1 Where does the personal data come from?
Personal data is any information that relates to an identified or identifiable natural person, for example name and telephone number.
6.1.1 Applicant
If you are applying for a position as an employee or an assignment as a freelancer with us, we will process the personal data that appears in your CV, application text, interview and any other information you provide. Most of the personal data we process about you originates from you, but if you provide references, we will be able to collect personal data from them as well.
6.1.2 Employee and Freelancer
As an employee or freelancer, the personal data we process about you will partly derive from the process described above when you are an applicant. In addition, there may be a need to obtain additional information when entering into a contract. These will primarily be obtained from you, but can also be obtained from other bodies such as tax authorities and Nav.
6.1.3 Potential Contributor
As a Potential Participant, we will receive your personal information from you or the casting agency you are affiliated with.
Ferdi Film will occasionally advertise the need for Contributors on social media or to acquaintances in the industry. In such cases, we will ask interested parties to contact us directly, not via other channels. The social media are not considered joint controllers with Ferdi Film for the processing necessary to assess you as a Potential Contributor. If you choose to send us the requested information and show interest in being a Contributor, you are sending Ferdi Film personal information about yourself. Ferdi Film processes this personal data to determine whether you fit into the production in question, and will only process it to the extent necessary to make a decision.
In certain cases, you as a Potential Contributor will come into direct contact with us through contacts, recommendations or chance. In such a case, we will obtain the necessary personal data directly from you.
If you are selected as a Participant, Ferdi Film will obtain more personal information about you through video and photo recording and the production process itself - after Férdi Film has notified you that you have been selected to participate, you are considered a Participant.
Unless an exception is specified for the production in question, you must be at least 18 years old in order to be a Participant in Férdi Film's productions.
6.2 What personal data do we process?
6.2.1 Applicant
As an Employee or Freelancer applicant, you will have to provide the following personal information: name, e-mail address, telephone number, experience, profession, education, and any other information that is relevant to the position or assignment or that you choose to inform us about.
6.2.2 Employee and Freelancer
As an employee of Ferdi Film, we will have to process personal data about you in order to manage the employment relationship and fulfill the employment contract. As a Freelancer, we will process your personal data in order to fulfill the assignment agreement with you. In both cases, this will typically be the following personal data: name, e-mail address, telephone number, address, nationality, account number, salary, pension scheme, insurance, bank information, education, profession, experience, job title, health information and any other information that appears in the execution of the work assignments or that you choose to tell us.
6.2.3 Potential Contributor
Whether we have collected the personal data from a casting agency or directly from you, we will normally need to process the same personal data about you to assess your suitability as a Contributor to a production. We will normally process: name, email address, phone number, height, photo, date of birth and experience. In certain cases, we will also be able to request information such as address, occupation, education and video recordings. When we assess a Potential Contributor, it may be relevant to hold auditions where filming is done.
You can choose to provide sensitive personal information, such as health information, including both physical and psychological, to the extent that it may be relevant to your opportunity to participate in the production. It is voluntary to be a Contributor or Potential Contributor to a production, and if you choose to share your personal data with Férdi Film, both general and sensitive, your action is considered a voluntary and express consent to Férdi Film's processing of such data. The personal information will only be processed to the extent that it is relevant to assess your suitability for the production, possibly to manage you as a Contributor to the production after selection.
6.2.4 Contributor
When you are a Participant, Férdi Film will, in addition to the personal data mentioned above, process video and/or audio recordings Férdi Film or one of Férdi Film's partners make of you. In order to be able to participate in the production, you must provide, as a minimum, the information that is requested of you, and you must show up for video and/or audio recording at an agreed time.
7. Why do we process the information?
7.1 Basis of processing
Any processing of personal data requires a legal basis. This will mostly be an agreement with the data subject or consent from the data subject. Some information must be processed by Férdi Film because it is required by law, for example in connection with complying with accounting obligations.
7.1.1 Applicants
For Applicants for Employees or Freelancers, our processing basis will be your consent. It is voluntary to send an application or otherwise show interest in a position as an Employee or an assignment as a Freelancer with us. If you choose to share your personal information or references with Férdi Film, both general and sensitive, your action is considered a voluntary and express consent to Férdi Film's processing of such information. The personal information will only be processed to the extent that it is relevant to assess your suitability for the position or assignment, possibly to manage you as an Employee or Freelancer if you are offered the position or assignment. For more on consent see point 10.
7.1.2 Employees
For employees, the basis for processing will mainly be the employment contract. We will also have to process certain personal data about Employees in order to fulfill our statutory duties as an employer, including the processing of necessary sensitive personal data such as health data. If necessary, a separate and voluntary consent to the processing of personal data for Employees can be obtained. This may, for example, be relevant when publishing personal data on Férdi Film's website or official social media account. Whether you as an employee choose to give such consent or not, it will not affect your position with us. For more on consent see point 10.
7.1.3 Freelancers
For Freelancers, our processing basis will mainly be the assignment contract. Our statutory duties will also form a basis for processing, and there may be situations where we obtain special consent for further processing that does not follow from the assignment contract. If necessary, a separate and voluntary consent to the processing of personal data can be obtained for Freelancers. This may, for example, be relevant when publishing personal data on Férdi Film's website or official social media account. We may also ask for consent to store your personal data for a certain period after the assignment has been completed. Whether you as a Freelancer choose to give such consent or not, it will not affect your position with us. For more on consent see point 10.
7.1.4 Potential Contributors
For Potential Contributors, Férdi Films' basis for processing will be the consent(s) you actively give before expressing interest in the productions. If you contact us at Férdi Film directly to show interest or apply to be a Participant in a production, we consider the active action you perform by applying to be consent. For more information about the consents you give to Férdi Film and how to withdraw such consents, please see point 10.
If you come into contact with us as a Potential Participant via a casting agency, our processing basis will be your agreement with or the consent you give to the casting agency you are affiliated with (the casting agency's processing basis is transferred to us through our agreement with them) or consent you give directly to us at first contact. The casting agency may be responsible for certain processing of your personal data. We therefore recommend that you familiarize yourself with the casting agency's own routines and processing of personal data. We have a data processing agreement in accordance with GDPR with the casting agency to the extent that they process personal data on our instructions.
As a Potential Contributor, you may also be asked to consent to your personal data being stored in our database for 5 years for the opportunity to become a Contributor to future productions.
7.1.5 Contributors
For Contributors, Férdi Film's processing basis for further processing will be the agreement between you and Férdi Film - often called a contributor contract. For processing activities beyond what follows from the agreement and where there is no other basis for processing, separate consent can be obtained.
7.1.6 General
There may also be situations where Férdi Film will process personal data because Férdi Film has a legitimate interest in doing so, for example in connection with pending legal disputes where evidence must be presented even though evidence may contain personal data.
If Férdi Film processes personal data exclusively for journalistic, academic, artistic or literary purposes, these will be exempt from large parts of the legislation, including the GDPR. Férdi Film will nevertheless process this personal data with the same degree of confidentiality, integrity and security as the other personal data Férdi Film processes. This could, for example, be documentaries or news stories. As of today, this does not fall within our core business.
7.2 Purpose of the processing
7.2.1 Applicant
As an applicant for either a position as an employee or an assignment as a freelancer, the purpose of our processing will be to assess your suitability for the position or assignment in question, possibly for future assignments.
7.2.2 Employees and Freelancers
Whether you are an employee or a freelancer, the purpose of our processing of your personal data will be to manage your relationship with us and fulfill the agreement between you and us. This includes, among other things, arranging for you to carry out your work tasks in accordance with the agreement between us.
In certain contexts, we may process personal data about our Employees and Freelancers in order to promote the work and productions that our Employees and Freelancers work on. For example, by sharing photos from the set and production on our official social media accounts if consent has been obtained.
7.2.3 Potential Contributor
The purpose of collecting and processing this personal information about you as a Potential Participant is to assess your suitability as a Participant in the production. All personal information arising from your application may be included in the assessment of your participation in the production.
7.2.4 Contributor
The purpose of processing the personal data about you as a Participant is for Férdi Film to be able to produce, market and distribute the production in all channels for an unlimited time.
8. Third parties
Your personal data will only be shared with those actors who are necessary for Férdi Film to be able to carry out the processing activities described in this privacy statement here. This could, for example, be data processors or partners to carry out recording, production, marketing and distribution of the production, including the ordering channel or customer.
Which actors these are may vary from production to production, so please get in touch if you want a more detailed description for a specific production in which you are a Potential Contributor or Contributor. Normally, key third parties will be named or described in more detail in a contributor contract. Suppliers and collaboration partners who gain access to Contributor's personal data will typically be cloud service providers, travel/airline companies, insurance companies, TV channels, advertising companies for the production and the like.
If for various reasons you contact us by email, telephone, in a meeting or are contacted by us in connection with a production, your personal data may be shared with the third parties that are necessary for such communication to take place. If you send an e-mail to or contact us with requests or other inquiries concerning Férdi Film or our productions, this action will be considered as voluntarily given consent to the processing necessary to be able to decide on and respond to your inquiry .
As an Employee or Freelancer, we will share your personal data with providers of our internal and external systems, such as platforms, IT systems, payroll systems, etc. If you have consented, we will be able to share your personal data on social media.
Any supplier that Férdi Film uses to process personal data on Férdi Film's behalf is bound by a valid data processor agreement according to the GDPR and satisfies the requirements for secure processing of personal data.
9. Storage and deletion
Unless otherwise follows from the basis of processing or statutory requirements imposed on Férdi Film (such as the obligation to account), your personal data will be deleted when it is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was collected.
If you are an applicant for a position as an employee, Férdi Film will store your personal data until a possible trial period until the person who gets the position has expired. This will normally be 6 months after the selected Employee has started the position. If you are applying for an assignment as a Freelancer, we will keep your personal data until the assignment has been substantially completed, but in any case no more than 6 months from the beginning of the assignment. In both cases, this retention is because it may be appropriate to offer the Applicant employment or the assignment until this time.
As a Potential Contributor, you can consent to your personal data being stored in Férdi Film's database for future contact in connection with other productions for up to three years. If you have consented to this, Férdi Film will either ask for a new consent within three years to extend the storage period or delete your personal data when the period expires.
We find that many Freelancers return for new assignments within a short time. We will therefore not delete your core personal data such as name, account number, evaluation of the assignment relationship and contact information for the first three years after the assignment has ended, provided you agree to this.
NB - Certain personal information is stored longer to comply with our statutory duty under the Bookkeeping Act and is deleted no later than 5 years after the end of 5 years of engagement. If a new engagement begins during that time period, the new deadline for deletion will apply from the end date of the last engagement.
Férdi Film has internal routines for the secure deletion of personal data. The routines ensure that your personal data is only stored for as long as Férdi Film has a material need for this in accordance with this privacy policy and applicable legislation in general. When the factual need no longer exists, your information will be deleted or anonymised.
10. Your rights
Regardless of which group of individuals you fall under in this privacy policy, you have rights under the GDPR regarding how Férdi Film processes your personal data.
If our basis for processing is consent, you can withdraw this at any time. This is done by contacting our person responsible for privacy at the e-mail address Withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of the processing based on consent before it is withdrawn. If you choose to withdraw your consent, this could mean that you will no longer be considered as a Potential Participant in the production you have shown interest in.
In addition, you have the right to access your personal data in accordance with Article 15 of the GDPR, the right to request the correction of incorrect information Férdi Film has stored about you in accordance with Article 16 of the GDPR, the right to request deletion pursuant to Article 17 of the GDPR and the right to demand that the processing be limited according to GDPR article 18. If the conditions in GDPR article 20 are met, you also have the right to data portability.
If you have questions or objections to how Férdi Film processes your personal data, please contact us by e-mail as indicated above. It is also possible to send an official complaint to the Norwegian Data Protection Authority if you believe that Férdi Film's processing of your personal data contravenes the current Personal Data Act or GDPR.
11. Security
To ensure confidential and confidential processing of your personal data in the best possible way, we have taken various technical and organizational measures. This means, among other things, that we have implemented routines for internal control and information security in accordance with the current privacy regulations in Norway. Férdi Film also requires that the suppliers used process your personal data in a secure manner, including Férdi Films requirements for information security and ensures that the transfer of data takes place in an encrypted and secure manner. Férdi Film does not sell, exchange or pass on your personal data to third parties beyond what appears in this privacy policy.