About us
What do we do?
Ferdi consists of a group of ambitious, multidisciplinary filmmakers. We are a small base team, who expands when needed. We develop, direct, line produce, and have a complete post production setup, making it easy to fit budget needs.
Our goal is that you should be left with two things after a production: a feeling of a good collaboration and a film that exceeds expectations.
The people
At Ferdi, we have a broad contact network with skilled freelancers in every professional function. That way, we will always be able to adapt to large and small film productions as needed. Below you can read about the gang in the office.
Contact Us
post@ferdi.no \\ +47 917 73 401
Helgesens gate 42G, 0553 Oslo
Are looking for a complete production from idea to finished film
Are looking for a specific professional function, e.g. directing or editing
Work as a professional, e.g. make-up artist or production manager and
are looking for someone to do co-productions with
Have a project you want to pitch
Are curious about Ferdi, want to stop by the office for a cup of coffee and see if we're as nice as we like to say we are
We try to post pictures and video from all the work we do on social media. Follow us to get to know the everyday life of our production company a little better.